Windows settings panel will appear, open System from the available list. Step 2: Open settings from the start menu. Step 1: Click on the start button on the taskbar or you can directly hit the windows button on your keyboard to open the start menu. You can follow the simple steps to change the settings. Since we need to change Display settings to counter the File Explorer not responding problem. Hence, it causes the various programs not to respond for very long time. Some time, Display setting affects the file explorer to respond slowly. Change Display Settings to fix “File Explorer not responding” Select End Task to quit or stop the running program forcefully. Step 2: Scroll down to search and Select the Windows Explorer from the given list. Step 1: Open Task Manager using different methods such as by tapping the Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously from the keyboard. Hence, we can easily stop the file explorer using this method to stop the given task and then reopen the folder to eliminate the problem File Explorer not responding in Windows 10. It is the first method we can adopt as it is the most familiar method among others. Force stop the program using Task Manager Hence, we can delete the given commands from different methods. Since the need to stop, the windows working over other programs arise. Hence, then also sometimes it takes too long to respond for the given task. So that it can complete one of the important work first then will go with the given command. It is actually the time which indows asked to wait. How to fix File Explorer not responding Errorįile Explorer not responding is not an error. The methods to fix File Explorer not responding errror are given below.

If it takes too long to respond, follow the methods to fix the problem. Therefore, t ry to wait for some moment to let windows work over your given task. Windows flags the program to do the given command after completing the current program. Since it is believed that File Explorer not responding is not an error but is the message for the users from Windows to tell them to wait. Hence, it pops up some messages while it works with some serious program. Windows is user-friendly OS among others. There are certain reasons why Windows Pop up the message that File Explorer not responding while we either insert a drive (CD or DVD or Peripheral device). Reasons behind “File Explorer not responding in Windows 10” Error

2.4 Close and open File Explorer with Command Prompt.2.3 Clear all Temporary and Recent Files.2.2 Change Display Settings to fix “File Explorer not responding”.2.1 Force stop the program using Task Manager.2 How to fix File Explorer not responding Error.